Wedding Insurance
Take the worry out of the most important day of your life.
A wedding is a big investment, and as the cost of weddings continues to increase, Wedding Insurance is needed now more than ever. Wedding Insurance helps make things right when something goes wrong. (Even though you may not want to think about it, there are a lot of things that can go wrong.)
The basic policy coverage can reimburse you in case you lose your non-recoverable deposits and purchase if covered circumstances beyond your control cause you to cancel or postpone your wedding. Core coverage includes additional expense, cancellation and postponement, event gifts, event photography and video, lost deposits, special attire, and special jewelry.
Liability Insurance is also available to protect you you if you’re held liable for property damage, bodily injury or personal injury to third parties at the location of your ceremony, your reception, or your dinner. Liquor Liability Insurance may be added to your liability coverage to protect you and your immediate family against liability from alcohol related accidents caused by intoxicated guests at the event site. Wedding Insurance can even cover unexpected illness, injury, or death that prevents the honorees, parents, grandparents or children of the honorees, or ceremony offiates from appearing in the ceremony.
There are a lot of details and nuances related to choosing the right coverage. Trust the Charles Leach Agency to help give you the guidance and peace of mind that will help you get through the big day. Coverage can be purchased as early as 2 years before your wedding, and as late as 24 hours before your event. We recommend you purchase coverage as soon as you begin making deposits and purchases for your wedding.